You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

279 lines
8.2 KiB

import type {
PropType as VuePropType,
} from "vue";
import type { ECharts } from "echarts";
import type { ResponsiveStorage } from "./index";
import type { TableColumns } from "@pureadmin/table";
import { type RouteComponent, type RouteLocationNormalized } from "vue-router";
* 全局类型声明,无需引入直接在 `.vue` 、`.ts` 、`.tsx` 文件使用即可获得类型提示
declare global {
* 平台的名称、版本、依赖、最后构建时间的类型提示
const __APP_INFO__: {
pkg: {
name: string;
version: string;
dependencies: Recordable<string>;
devDependencies: Recordable<string>;
lastBuildTime: string;
* Window 的类型提示
interface Window {
// Global vue app instance
__APP__: App<Element>;
webkitCancelAnimationFrame: (handle: number) => void;
mozCancelAnimationFrame: (handle: number) => void;
oCancelAnimationFrame: (handle: number) => void;
msCancelAnimationFrame: (handle: number) => void;
webkitRequestAnimationFrame: (callback: FrameRequestCallback) => number;
mozRequestAnimationFrame: (callback: FrameRequestCallback) => number;
oRequestAnimationFrame: (callback: FrameRequestCallback) => number;
msRequestAnimationFrame: (callback: FrameRequestCallback) => number;
* 打包压缩格式的类型声明
type ViteCompression =
| "none"
| "gzip"
| "brotli"
| "both"
| "gzip-clear"
| "brotli-clear"
| "both-clear";
* 全局自定义环境变量的类型声明
* @see {@link}
interface ViteEnv {
VITE_PORT: number;
VITE_CDN: boolean;
VITE_COMPRESSION: ViteCompression;
* 继承 `@pureadmin/table` 的 `TableColumns` ,方便全局直接调用
interface TableColumnList extends Array<TableColumns> {}
* 对应 `public/serverConfig.json` 文件的类型声明
* @see {@link}
interface ServerConfigs {
Version?: string;
Title?: string;
FixedHeader?: boolean;
HiddenSideBar?: boolean;
MultiTagsCache?: boolean;
KeepAlive?: boolean;
Locale?: string;
Layout?: string;
Theme?: string;
DarkMode?: boolean;
Grey?: boolean;
Weak?: boolean;
HideTabs?: boolean;
SidebarStatus?: boolean;
EpThemeColor?: string;
ShowLogo?: boolean;
ShowModel?: string;
MenuArrowIconNoTransition?: boolean;
MapConfigure?: {
amapKey?: string;
options: {
resizeEnable?: boolean;
center?: number[];
zoom?: number;
* 与 `ServerConfigs` 类型不同,这里是缓存到浏览器本地存储的类型声明
* @see {@link}
interface StorageConfigs {
version?: string;
title?: string;
fixedHeader?: boolean;
hiddenSideBar?: boolean;
multiTagsCache?: boolean;
keepAlive?: boolean;
locale?: string;
layout?: string;
theme?: string;
darkMode?: boolean;
grey?: boolean;
weak?: boolean;
hideTabs?: boolean;
sidebarStatus?: boolean;
epThemeColor?: string;
showLogo?: boolean;
showModel?: string;
mapConfigure?: {
amapKey?: string;
options: {
resizeEnable?: boolean;
center?: number[];
zoom?: number;
username?: string;
* `responsive-storage` 本地响应式 `storage` 的类型声明
interface ResponsiveStorage {
locale: {
locale?: string;
layout: {
layout?: string;
theme?: string;
darkMode?: boolean;
sidebarStatus?: boolean;
epThemeColor?: string;
configure: {
grey?: boolean;
weak?: boolean;
hideTabs?: boolean;
showLogo?: boolean;
showModel?: string;
multiTagsCache?: boolean;
tags?: Array<any>;
* `src/router` 文件夹里的类型声明
interface toRouteType extends RouteLocationNormalized {
meta: {
roles: Array<string>;
keepAlive?: boolean;
dynamicLevel?: string;
* @description 完整子路由配置表
interface RouteChildrenConfigsTable {
/** 子路由地址 `必填` */
path: string;
/** 路由名字(对应不要重复,和当前组件的`name`保持一致)`必填` */
name?: string;
/** 路由重定向 `可选` */
redirect?: string;
/** 按需加载组件 `可选` */
component?: RouteComponent;
meta?: {
/** 菜单名称(兼容国际化、非国际化,如何用国际化的写法就必须在根目录的`locales`文件夹下对应添加) `必填` */
title: string;
/** 菜单图标 `可选` */
icon?: string | FunctionalComponent;
/** 菜单名称右侧的额外图标,支持`fontawesome`、`iconfont`、`element-plus-icon` `可选` */
extraIcon?: {
svg?: boolean;
name?: string;
/** 是否在菜单中显示(默认`true`)`可选` */
showLink?: boolean;
/** 是否显示父级菜单 `可选` */
showParent?: boolean;
/** 页面级别权限设置 `可选` */
roles?: Array<string>;
/** 按钮级别权限设置 `可选` */
auths?: Array<string>;
/** 路由组件缓存(开启 `true`、关闭 `false`)`可选` */
keepAlive?: boolean;
/** 内嵌的`iframe`链接 `可选` */
frameSrc?: string;
/** `iframe`页是否开启首次加载动画(默认`true`)`可选` */
frameLoading?: boolean;
/** 页面加载动画(有两种形式,一种直接采用vue内置的`transitions`动画,另一种是使用`animate.css`写进、离场动画)`可选` */
transition?: {
* @description 当前路由动画效果
* @see {@link}
name?: string;
/** 进场动画 */
enterTransition?: string;
/** 离场动画 */
leaveTransition?: string;
// 是否不添加信息到标签页,(默认`false`)
hiddenTag?: boolean;
/** 动态路由可打开的最大数量 `可选` */
dynamicLevel?: number;
/** 子路由配置项 */
children?: Array<RouteChildrenConfigsTable>;
* @description 整体路由配置表(包括完整子路由)
interface RouteConfigsTable {
/** 路由地址 `必填` */
path: string;
/** 路由名字(保持唯一)`可选` */
name?: string;
/** `Layout`组件 `可选` */
component?: RouteComponent;
/** 路由重定向 `可选` */
redirect?: string;
meta?: {
/** 菜单名称(兼容国际化、非国际化,如何用国际化的写法就必须在根目录的`locales`文件夹下对应添加)`必填` */
title: string;
/** 菜单图标 `可选` */
icon?: string | FunctionalComponent;
/** 是否在菜单中显示(默认`true`)`可选` */
showLink?: boolean;
/** 菜单升序排序,值越高排的越后(只针对顶级路由)`可选` */
rank?: number;
/** 子路由配置项 */
children?: Array<RouteChildrenConfigsTable>;
* 平台里所有组件实例都能访问到的全局属性对象的类型声明
interface GlobalPropertiesApi {
$echarts: ECharts;
$storage: ResponsiveStorage;
$config: ServerConfigs;
declare module "vue" {
* 自定义全局组件获得 Volar 提示(自定义的全局组件需要在这里声明下才能获得 Volar 类型提示哦)
export interface GlobalComponents {
IconifyIconOffline: typeof import("../src/components/ReIcon")["IconifyIconOffline"];
IconifyIconOnline: typeof import("../src/components/ReIcon")["IconifyIconOnline"];
FontIcon: typeof import("../src/components/ReIcon")["FontIcon"];
Auth: typeof import("../src/components/ReAuth")["Auth"];