import { IMenu } from '@/types/system/menus' import { FiledNames, FlattenData, MenuItem } from '@/global' import { getIcon } from '@/components/icon' import { TreeDataNode, MenuItemProps } from 'antd' import deepCopy from 'fast-copy' //vite环境变量, 判断是否是开发环境 export const isDev = import.meta.env.MODE === 'development' // 格式化菜单数据, 把children转换成routes export const formatMenuData = (data: IMenu[], parentName: string[]) => { const result: MenuItem[] = [] for (const item of data) { if (item.icon && typeof item.icon === 'string') { item.icon = getIcon(item.icon as string, { size: '14', theme: 'filled' }) } if (!item.children || !item.children.length) { result.push({ ...item, key:, name: item.title, parentName, }) } else { const { children, name, ...other } = item result.push({ ...other, key: name, name: other.title, children: formatMenuData(children, [ ...parentName, name ]), routes: formatMenuData(children, [ ...parentName, name ]), }) } } return result } //把MenuItem[]转换成antd树形结构 export const formatterMenuData = (data: MenuItem[]): TreeDataNode[] => { const result: TreeDataNode[] = [] for (const item of data) { if (item.children && item.children.length) { const { children, ...other } = item result.push({ ...other, key:!, title:!, children: formatterMenuData(children), }) } else { result.push({ ...item, key:!, title:!, }) } } return result } //将tree转成Menu结构 export const convertToMenu = (data: any[], format?: (item: any) => any) => { const result: MenuItemProps[] = [] format = format ?? ((item: any) => item) for (const item of data) { if (item.hidden) { continue } const _item = format(item) if (_item.children && _item.children.length) { result.push({ ..._item, children: convertToMenu(_item.children, format), }) } else { result.push(_item) } } return result } //把tree转成平铺数组 const defaultTreeFieldNames: FiledNames = { key: 'id', title: 'title', children: 'children' } export function flattenTree(tree: T[], fieldNames?: FiledNames) { const result: T[] = [] fieldNames = { ...defaultTreeFieldNames, ...fieldNames } function flattenRecursive(item: T, level: number, fieldNames: FiledNames) { const data: FlattenData = { ...item, key: item[fieldNames.key!], title: item[fieldNames.title!], level, } const children = item[fieldNames.children!] if (children) { children.forEach((child) => flattenRecursive(child, level + 1, fieldNames)) data.children = children } result.push(data as T) } tree.forEach((item) => flattenRecursive(item, 0, fieldNames)) return result } export const convertToBool = (value: any): boolean => { // 特殊处理字符串 '0'、'true' 和 'false' if (typeof value === 'string') { switch (value.toLowerCase()) { case '0': case '': return false case 'true': return true case 'false': return false default: // 对于其他非空字符串,转换为 true return Boolean(value) } } // 处理常见 falsy 值 if (value === undefined || value === null || value === false || value === 0 || value === '' || Number.isNaN(value)) { return false } // 对于对象或数组,我们通常认为非空即为 true if (Array.isArray(value) || typeof value === 'object') { return !!Object.keys(value).length } // 其他情况,包括数字(非零)、字符串(已经被上述逻辑处理)和其他 truthy 值 return Boolean(value) } //数组去重 export const unique = (arr: any[]): any[] => { return Array.from(new Set(arr)) } export const getValueCount = (obj: any, filterObj: any = {}) => { // 获取对象中所有值的数量 let count = 0 for (const key in obj) { if ([ 'page', 'pageSize', 'pageIndex' ].includes(key)) { continue } if (, key) && obj[key]) { //如果是数组,则必须长度大于0 if (!filterObj?.[key]) { if (Array.isArray(obj[key]) && obj[key].length === 0) { continue } count++ } } } return count } export const unSetColumnRules = (columns: any[]) => { return deepCopy(columns)?.map(col => { col.__ignoreRules = true if (col.formItemProps?.rules?.length) { col.formItemProps.rules = [] } else if (typeof col.formItemProps === 'function') { const formItemProps = col.formItemProps col.formItemProps = (form, config) => { const props = formItemProps(form, config) return { ...props, rules: [], } } } return { ...col } }) } export const getColumns = (columns: any[], key: string) => { return columns.find(col => col.key === key) } //生成ProTableColumns的宽度相关属性 export const genProTableColumnWidthProps = (width: string | number) => { if (!width) { return {} } return { width, fieldProps: { style: { width: '100%' } }, } }